keymaps = {
-- Keymap to expand a package
toggle_package_expand = "<CR>",
-- Keymap to install the package under the current cursor position
install_package = "i",
-- Keymap to reinstall/update the package under the current cursor position
update_package = "u",
-- Keymap to check for new version for the package under the current cursor position
check_package_version = "c",
-- Keymap to update all installed packages
update_all_packages = "U",
-- Keymap to check which installed packages are outdated
check_outdated_packages = "C",
-- Keymap to uninstall a package
uninstall_package = "X",
-- Keymap to cancel a package installation
cancel_installation = "<C-c>",
-- Keymap to apply language filter
apply_language_filter = "<C-f>"